Visual testing, also called creative concept testing, determines the visual that best conveys the desired emotional and functional benefits as defined by your value proposition and positioning.
Visual testing

Key business objectives
- Pre-test the suggested visuals (e.g. image, headline, tagline, etc.) and verify they are unique, distinct, and relevant
- Verify that the tested visuals are easily and correctly understood
- Evaluate the capability to trigger attractiveness, retention (e.g. pleasure, emotion, and familiarity), and maximize impact
- Calculate the ability to convey the desired emotional and functional benefits supporting the intended value proposition and positioning
- Reveal the emotion conveyed and likes / dislikes that explain the visual’s overall performance
- Rank the tested visuals by overall performance, list the pros and cons of each choice, and suggest incremental improvements
Visuals are creative and stimulate both the left brain (analysis) and the right brain (emotion). Verbalization is an analytical process delivered by our left brain. Visual testing that only uses direct questioning misses the unconscious reasons explaining a visual’s overall performance. We use a conjunction of direct questioning, flash memorization tasks, and Visual Analog Scales (VAS) published in scientific journals as the gold standard.